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Cone 5-6 WC 403 - Speckled Buff by Laguna

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Low in sand and grog content, speckled buff is smooth textured. An excellent throwing body. The color palette is perhaps best described as 'desert' or 'Southwest'. Fired in oxidation, Speckled Buff falls into the tan/brown color range. Clay body specifically formulated by request from Midwest and Eastern U.S. potters.

Cone: 5
Wet Color: Red Brown
Fire Color
Oxidation: Buff w/Specks
Reduction: Brown w/Specks
Texture: Slightly Coarse
Penetrometer Target: 6.75
Avg. Shrinkage 2±% 12%
Avg. Water Absorption 1±% 3%
COE x 10-6: 6.12

Can be purchased by 25 lbs pug or 50 lbs boxes. Buy 5+ Boxes and save 10% - Discount applied at checkout. Reach out for your custom shipping quote!